vale a pena tentar e contribuir , obrigado

Dear Fernando,
In just one week, almost 200,000 people have signed our petition calling on world leaders to break the cycle of famine and ensure people are hungry no more. That's huge. That's real political will and real momentum in our campaign to make sure famines like the one happening in the Horn of Africa right now become a thing of the past.
So, thank you for stepping up and joining thousands of others around the world in our campaign. Now I need to ask another favour of you: Please share this petition with your friends and family. Twitter, Facebook, email— whatever you're comfortable with:
By now you've probably seen our new video "The F Word: Famine is the Real Obscenity." It's getting a lot of media attention, and we're finding it to be an incredibly powerful tool for bringing new people into our campaign. Please consider sharing it— I think you'll really enjoy some of the reactions you'll receive:

Thank you for all you've done. More soon.

Stuart McWilliam


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